Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Protesting SOPA/PIPA

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

In case you guys don't know, Congress is trying to pass the SOPA and PIPA act. I suggest you Google these terms and figure out what they are because I'm not about to go in depth about all this. Or check the video above. In short, our government is trying to take away our free speech on the internet. Your favorite sites are being threatened to be shut down. If this act passes, you can say goodbye to Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and all your little blogs (including myself). Stand for your rights. Let Congress know what's up by signing the petition below. We will not be silenced. Take action, my people. End piracy, not liberty.

Also, many sites are blacking out today. I will be joining them. No usual Wednesday post from me (even though I've been slacking lately due to personal reasons). Hopefully I will get back to you all soon.


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