Monday, February 20, 2012

[Song of the Week] "Free Mason" - Rick Ross ft. Jay-Z, John Legend

You cannot fathom the amount of f**ks I don't give about MTV's "Hottest MCs" List. But in case you were curious, Rozay took the title this year. Jay-Z, featured on this track, came in at #6. This list might be the most wack thing MTV does all year. That's saying a lot lmao. Regardless, I thought it'd be nice to post a Rozay track for this week in honor of this list. Dope track with Rozay and Hova (ironic?) with Johnny Legend blessing the chorus. Download at the bottom.

Hint hint though: be on the lookout for the real Hottest MCs list of 2011. Coming soon. Just watch out. It's a big thing. No, really. Forreal. Be prepared. *dougies*

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