Thursday, March 8, 2012

Overly Optimistic

There's a lot of negativity about almost everything in today's world. You can't really blame people for this lack of optimism that we may face, however. Wars, economic and social hardships, and humanitarian crises all add to the harsh reality we live in. But I decided to focus on positives and hopes today. It may be over the top and almost to the point of unrealistic, but why not? Why not hope and dream just for a little bit?

Kony, Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, Sudan...the list goes on and on. Everywhere you look there are humanitarian issues that we are faced with. Innocent people get murdered and killed daily. Parents are trying to feed and protect their family. The daily struggle. We truly have no idea how blessed we are. We take so much so much for granted. So much that we think we deserve when in reality, we don't deserve anything we have. Everything we have is a blessing. And I'm not just talking about the new iPhone you have or the new J's you just bought. I'm talking about the fact that you can see or hear. The fact that you can walk and talk. The fact that you're able to sit on a computer or have some sort of mobile device capable of reading this very post. Think about the millions of people around the world who probably don't have any idea what they'll have for their next meal. You're blessed, man.

To my fellow college students, school sucks. Let's be honest, no matter how much you enjoy the field you're in, you just can't wait to get out and apply that knowledge. Take me, for example. I have no motivation to wake up early every day just to fall asleep in boredom during class. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that after I get my degree, I'll be set. Of course there's still the whole job searching process. I'm not focused on that particular facet right now though. I just know when I get a job, the rest will be history. I'll find a fulfilling career (hopefully more fulfilling in my wallet than anything else). And with that career will come a hot car, a big house and a beautiful family. At that point, I'll die happy.

Staying on the topic of careers, the economy is destroying the lives of many all over the world. But let's not panic. God puts us all through hardships just to bring us ease. Stay true to who you are and be a good person. You will be rewarded. Guaranteed. It might seconds or it might take years, but ease will come if you don't lose yourself. You have to stay on your path. Stay focused and be patient in everything that you do. Ease will come.

Oh...and speaking of optimism, how bout them Bulls huh? You know I had to throw that in there. Goodnight, y'all.

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