Wednesday, February 1, 2012

[Guest Post] "No Regrets" - Anonymous

I like guests posts. Check this one out. On that real life tip. On a random sidenote though: I hope y'all are enjoying the weather. Especially if you're in the Chicago area. 50-60 degree weather in January/February?! C'mon son! Gotta love global warming eh?

Live in this world, you go insane.
Killin you inside, you fight through the pain.
Feel like givin up, blowin out ya brains.
Friends ain’t there, life ain’t the same.

You put up a façade of happiness.
But every step you take, your heart regrets.
You startin to fail school, your life’s a mess.
Can’t find a job, means you can’t pay the rent.
Stealin from ya parents, only way to survive.
Wonderin what the point is of bein alive.
Feelings towards ya crush, you tryna hide.
She’s way outta sight, but burned in your mind.

Why live this way? Why not be happy,
With what you got? Life’s meant to be scrappy.
Your conditions’ despicable, your outlook crappy.
Your front unbreakable, though startin to get raggedy.

Sittin here, not believing your situation.
This has gotta be a dream right? Life’s vacation.
Keep wakin up in nightmares, desperation.
Wanna get out, but left in a hesitation.
Sittin in ya room alone, starin at your phone.
Need a friend to call, to know you’re not alone.
Never mind send a text, let em know what’s wrong.
But when they call you back, the answer’s a dialtone.

Thinkin I don’t need them, the problem is mine.
They upset, who cares? You walkin a thin line.
That’s when you start lookin up to the Divine.
Start to climb up, but again satan cuts your vine.

That’s when you finally lose all hope.
A suicide drive on Lake Shore sounds dope.
You look out in the water, here I go.
But wait, I’m 18. So much to live for.
Look back at my life, that jewel of mine.
Not for me to take away, what was I? High?
Beggin to God to forgive me of my sins.
The cold surface I walk on no longer seems thin.

What’d I do? Let it all get to me.
Haters and losers, dazin’ confusin me.
I live my life, and control is key.
Gotta bear the hits, this road is bumpy.

You start to understand the pain is needed.
The advice from ya family you finally heeded.
Feelin alive again, tone ain’t heated.
That place of calm again, you finally reached it.
Life’ll give you hits, it’ll knock you down.
Yearn for B-D while livin in Chi Town.
No matter how you feel, don’t you ever frown.
Them tears in your eyes, not from a sad clown.

Back in the game, you’re feelin good.
Back on ya grind, reppin ya hood.
Back on ya feet, feelin bulletproof.
Back to laughin, you feelin like a goof.

Then POW another shot almost knocks you out.
You were too high and gravity sought you out.
But this time, you fine. Makes no sense to pout.
You expected it. Life’s not fair, no doubt.
Just hop back on the roller coaster of life.
Expect some screams as you go through the trife.
Know there’s rain, but when it pass, it’s nice.
Hey maybe ya dream girl’ll be your wife.

Be real, the strongest one is you.
Leave room for friends, they love you too.
Your family’s rough, but you need no proof.
That they got ya back, more than you knew.

The story I tell is not of myself.
It’s a story of a kid who’s knowledge is wealth.
Life’s an experience, don’t wait for death.
Live it to the fullest man, it’s what you expect.
You’re never alone, so don’t ever fret.
Your pain is mine, we come in a set.
Brush off ya shoulders, make no bets.
Do what you gotta do, no regrets.

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